Last year, prior to ever actually shipping any of its new Perfect Water Product to any of their distributors, certain upline distributors had possession of this supposedly magical oxygen infused water, and were using it as a prop in their recruitment scam. Amway, seemingly taken off guard issued orders that all videos showing Amway recruiters operating the Perfect Water Scam to take down videos that were appearing on YouTube or face the penalty of revoking the offender's business for a period of time.

Although I have since lost interest in the Perfect Water Scam, it seems that this 'flim flam con' on anyone willing to believe it still has legs. Not only are these videos still available on You Tube, one of the most viewed of these shows Amway Diamond David Shores himself performing the 'tip tests'. David and Debbie Shores at one point promoted their Amway success by describing their accquisiton and remoldling of Lake Front property in White Fish, Montana. They described how they planned to ride their wave runner in the summer and ski in the winter. They also bragged about having hired two teachers to home school their children, all promoting their Amway Business as a success for others to believe in and follow. Scott Larsen, amway critic, has an article up on his Amquix web site that describes how David and Debbie's Lake front dream has since fallen prey to bank foreclosure. Scott asks how someone making supposedly a million plus in their Amway diamond business could default on payments that Scott estimates to be in the $14,000 dollar range? Obviously, these wonderful winners on the Amway path to financial freedom have allowed their credit rating to go into the toilet. I suppose they will now be paying cash for most everything like any ordinary 'broke losers' whose credit rating is scuttled in foreclosure? Of course the Shores will not need to go in hock for new appliances because the new owners of the lake front estate report that all the appliances had been removed prior to abandoning it to a sheriff's sale.
Last year I did a couple blog posts on the perfect water scam, and since that time, one of these has been overall the most viewed and therefore most popular post on my Quixtar Cult Intervention Blog. Seems that seaches for Amway scam or Perfect Water Scam anything on the Google web search engine lists Perfect Water or Perfect Scam as my highest ranking page and garners a high percentage of new vistors through my blog. Had I known at the time how much traffic this post would generate, I might have spent a little more time in researching and writing it as it is rather short and by comparison to many of my posts, rather unremarkable.
Perfect water videos became such a popular recruitment ploy that thousands upon thousands were made after Amway, Ada made them verboten; they were made, not just by diamond-Jim distributors, but by even low level IBOs who had far less time in the then Quixtar biz. I have been told that many of these were made and are being used as unauthorized recruitment tools yet. Ironically, Amway lawyers filed legal suit against MonaVie who they claimed were making phony health claims for their Acai berry drink product at nearly the same exact time Amway tip test videos first appeared on You Tube making Amway the 'pot' calling the MovaVie 'kettle' black!
What you mean perfect water doesn't cure cancer? It doesn't make you regrow lost hair? It doesn't make you 20 years younger?
Oh for shame!
So because you generated a lot of traffic through your "Perfect Water scam" website it sure means that what you say is the truth, and i also bet that all the people that visited your website are financially free and diamonds. You talk crap about a bottle of water, how desperate are you? So perfect water is bad too now, wow you quitters amaze me every time.
Oh by the way, i forgot to mention that Ronaldinho, one of the most famous soccer player in the world joined the Nutrilite team, Amway sells the best vitamins in the world, Nutrilite, you should talk crap about that too, since it's a scam and the products suck right, don't forget to post something about that.
I stand by my post. Actually, Nutrilite vitamins are a big scam on those cult adherents who buy the Nutri-Scam vitamins. Around $70 for a months worth of vitamins that are derived from 'soups' of barley greens and the like, whose raw materials probably cost relatively nothing. The packaging costing more than the vitamins themselves. Yet, the Amway believing drones buy these overpriced, unremarkable products in hopes of grasping the golden ring in the Amway closed market swindle.
Perfect water, perfect vitamins, what blarney! Tap water and a One a Day work just as well at an incredible savings. Your mention of celebrity athletic endorsements only proves that almost anyone will endorse a product provided enough cash is handed over. What happened to the former World's Fastest Man when he was an also ran at the past Olympic games? Of course Amway dropped his sponsorship.
Nutrilite is a scam on anyone desperate enough to believe that Amway is a good opportunity anything. Their cash then becomes fodder which enriches the cultic charlatans who initiated the swindle in the first place.
To you, the products are overpriced but i always being tought that if you want good quality, you have to pay for it. Also, Amways does not charge you 10.000$ to become business owner, it only costs you a 150$, everybody can afford that. Open your own "brick store" and see how much that costs you.. You better hope to sell your products if you wanna pay rent, employees, overhead in general. I think Amway offers you a good deal and until now nobody proved that the vitamins and the water are bad for you, same with the Xs. A bottle of Perfect Water costs you about 2$, now compare to the other water bottles, the price is pretty much the same, if not less expensive. Perfect Water was also NCAA approved, and that's not easy to do, the water has been tested by different people and it's not fake, or a scam like you make it sound. I don't know how you can't come up with that. Same with Nutrilite. If the Amways business didn't work for you don't go on the internet and talk crap about it, that's not a right thing to do. I found this blog because i was looking for Perfect Water gear, i never looked at this kind of blogs before.
Anonymouse Amwayolgy Apologist...
Yes, obviously you've never seen a blog like this before. After all it is a cult intervention blog, something you are very much in need. It is you who don't seem to understand exactly with whom you are dealing with as you persist?
Have you heard the recent popular song 'Wamanizer?' You I believe are an 'Amwayizer'. You now, knowing the truth, might you go forward being, thus being an Amway apologist whereupon you become stained with the guilt of intent to defraud others into joining the 'closed market swindle' in which you are sadly involved.
The more popular something is the more people take jabs @ companies. This site most likely is set up by someone without dreams and inspirations. So what do you suggest we do. Cry on blog sites and try nothing to better our life. Pick up a book and find out how big Home business's are here in US and around the world. Dream a little. Be positive. Then again who am I to tell people how to think. Just remeber the golden rule....PEACE
I truly wish you might pick out at least some sort of user name ( or handle) to differentiate yourself from all the other myriad 'anonymous' commenters. I reserve the right to exclude 'anonymous' comments for this reason, not necessarily because I disagree with the content. Notice that I don't require that you use your real name which might be embarassing to your upline cultic leaders.
Significantly, it is your 'dreams' which Amway kingpins badly oversell and which makes all 'true believers' like yourself the victim of a premeditated 'closed market swindle' for which you remain woefully ignorant, at least until now.
Just as you would have me understand your point of view, I would suggest that you take the time to at least do some digging and examine how Amway really operates. A great place to begin would be by reading many of David Brear's posts on Quixtar Cult Intervention for which there is a link in the right bar of this blog. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Actually this blog as well as the other blogs I link reveal the dark side of the supposed legit business you believe you are in. I obviously can tell that you have been exposed to all the 'tapespeak' that Amway cult adherents receive. Why not take a look at the other side of the coin?
I must remind myself that folks like Eric Scheibler were once every bit as gung ho about Amway as you are now. Truth is the enemy of all cults, one which the Amway cult would rather you neither saw or considered.
These Amway suckers are so funny. One of the posters said that the water cost $2 a bottle and that is about the same as all other water. Im pretty sure a CASE of water at Target is $4-$5 not $48 like a case of perfect water. How many companies charge you to work for them? Please tell me. NONE that are legit. You people are all suckers, hopefully one day you'll wisen up and stop wasting your money on over priced products and stupid motivational tapes and seminars.
So true.
I did find interesting the vidio you had up, so i decided to try the water. Have you ever tried it?
Now, name calling and vulgarity do not become anyone. Using bottled hoax-like water as a prop in a recruitment scam is smart then?
I'm still fairly new to this business, but where I'm at in life, I am ready for a change. This seems like one of the best opportunities I've come across, so I won't just quit because of negative bloggers. I went to one of the big meetings in Portland recently, and I've never seen so many positively excited ppl in all my life. I can see that there's positive & negative about any/every subject/company in the world. It's all over the internet. I'm not an idiot and I know that there are ppl who actually get paid to post negative blogs about different companies. Can you honestly tell me that you're using all the negatives on the internet about Amway/Quixtar simply because you believe it? Or are you one of the ppl who get payed to talk down upon said companies? Just curious. Oh and those $4 cases of water are crap, just like tap water that our 'govt.' approves for us to drink. You think they're trying to help us? Gimme a break.
You are the reason I write this blog. Yes, I believe what I write, and no I don't get paid to write it (as you would suggest).
I might understand your enthusiasm, save for one thing, the long and sordid history and convincing real life testimonials that describe how enthusiasm for this particular scheme operates.
Of course you will be exposed to the 'tool scam' (a secondary swindle) and be encouraged to enter into the 'closed market' aspects of this 'bidnez' by restricting 'negative' products from your home.
Yes, you will buy your 100 PV of the mostly mundane and badly overpriced products until you, like so many others 'flush' yourself out of the scheme. You may go out and put the finger on all of your family and friends first. (Many of which will ward you off like the plague.) Of course you will be taught to blame yourself for not working hard enough in the end when you realize that maybe this 'business' isn't really for you.
Even if you complain, you will be bottled up in Amway enforced arbitration.
Notice that you assume the mantle of being an 'Independent' business person, but really check the contract you sign with Amway. Where's the real independence in their wonderful fine print.
Sometimes I call people 'suckers' for falling for this con, but that is a little unfair. Good people get ground up and spit out by this affair. Glad you had the courage to read and express your thoughts as well. Just like in AA, keep coming back!
Check back in with me and let me know how it goes in your 2 to 5 year plan to wealth in 5 years?
I love how the Perfect Water promoters use NCAA and NSF endorsements for their product. But they aren't really endorsements, they are just APPROVALS. Which of course, plain ole water would be. Because it's being sold for profit and given their claims of performance enhancement, they tested it. Obviously plain water wouldn't cause a failure in the banned substance blood test - naturally it would get approval.
And I've done the tip test with all kinds of gimmicks - it's a parlor trick and can be done several ways.
Sure it cost ONLY $2. per bottle. My multi-filtered locally available water cost me .38 A GALLON.
I would put Life Extension Foundation's vitamins up against theirs any day, along with several other brands.
There's a sucker born every minute.
No arguments from me. Thanks for commenting and reading my blog. qiac
Oh and if there's a sucker born every minute that could turn in to a lot of money for me if i could just figure out how to become one of the people taking the sucker's monies. How exactly do i go about doing that? Because i could seriously use some extra skrill right about now.
This website makes me laugh and cry......i wasn't bitten by the amway/quixtar viper.....but another "opportunity" sure knocked my teeth out.....when approached by seemingly well meaning green recruits, i want to shout "run for the hills and don't look back.....the heartache, the humiliation and loss of credibility is surely not what i wish for these hopefuls....but it surely will be their destiny....i poured my heart and soul into a like company and have not fully recovered many years later....i learned a lot....but at a very high i say to you eager eyed and pumped up new for the hills....don't look back
Hmm...seems to me that most of you who are bashing Amway in here are in need of some more education. Primarily in the spelling and grammar department. If you would move out from your mother's basement and spend your energies a little more on finding the facts, you wouldn't waste your time bashing something that helps millions of people. You should rename your blog to: let's speak ill of things we failed at.
One more thing, the definition of cult: The word cult pejoratively refers to a group whose beliefs or practices are reasonably considered strange.[1] The word originally denoted a system of ritual practices. The narrower, derogatory sense of the word is a product of the 20th century, especially since the 1980s, and is considered subjective, and is a result of the anti-cult movement, which uses the word in reference to groups seen as authoritarian, exploitative and possibly dangerous. The word implies a group which is a minority in society.
The popular, derogatory sense of the word has no currency in academic studies of religions, where "cults" are subsumed under the neutral label of "new religious movement", while academic sociology has partly adopted the popular meaning of the word.
So to sum it up, all a "cult" is, is a group of people with an objective... (By the way, nice cult you have going here!)
Wow, someones jealous! I love how lazy people expect to get rich over night and when they dont they start hating. But does amway care? No! Ha, theyre $8.4 billion debt free, you think they are about your dumb blog. I bet you cant even explain what a "scam" is. Come to think of it, youre prolly one of those lazy people who quit cuz doing nothing wasnt giving them money. No duhh, you got what you deserved and it's so funny how you dis people who have much bigger income coming annually, money you couldnt possibly make working a lifetime at your job! Im an IBO and im proud to be woth amway :) so why make thia post anonymous.... SUCK IT!
I am very impress on your information , Its a really very impressive blog. I really got some another very nice information , so
thanks for sharing these tips.
All I have to say is Perfect Water is the shiznack... My teammate and I drink it before every race. We have conference championship rings getting made for us right now... This stuff is legit.
y do u talk crap on amway just wondering ?
so i have read through all of this and i have to wonder exactly where you get your information from? i mean is it that you are so upset that you arent making the kind of money that you have the potential to make? dont crush other peoples dreams and abilities because you have no faith in yourself, in your fellow man or in God.
To the guy that is wasting his time attacking Amway and the Perfect water....well too bad n sorry for you! I've tried the Perfect water and its the best I've ever had. So it isn't some joke. Have you even tried it?????? and how can you attack Amway as if people in it are some scheme? oh please. For one thing its still a business going after decades and is DEBT FREE! There isn't anything twisted about it. Its just a different way of doing business. You know that it is America based and owned so that everybody that puts into it is putting into an American company? versus all you usual operated people in the country that buy into Walmart, Target, and every other popular store that is OWNED BY OTHER COUNTRIES. So guess what, so many of us Americans have given billions to other countries and go figure our country America is in trillions of dollars of debt to other countries. So what in the heck is the problem with Amway, that is an American based company, debt free, and supports our own dang country huh?
Honestly, this blog helped me make the decision of registering for Amway in the amount of $236. Im not an idiot, Im one of those people that looks at a good opportunity an takes the chance... Amway looks like a great decision on joining the business/team, but then again i see how all of it can be a scam an how its TOO good to be true. They pulled me in on how rich young adults are an those Diamonds who retired at the age of 26-40. Yes, one of the posts I agree "what other jobs do you have to pay the business that is legit?". If I were to join the business, i would just be making money on scaming others, or basically making the "top guy"money;because then again I would be bringing in clients an having them pay for online products. Im going to be honest i tried one of the supplements as a sample before I went to lacrosse practice, and my performance was amazing, BUT was it my mental state of taking a so-called #1 supplement in the world? I don't know Im too young for this shit. Im going to college and getting an education like everyone else and making it through life my own way an NOT the routined way. PEACE
Ahh, let me think about this a minute? Nah, that's too long. Perfect Water sucks just as bad as XS (and that's saying something because water isn't supposed to have much taste to it?)
funny, i enjoy xs and perfect water, i never crash with xs like i have with other energy drinks! after the first time i tried perfect water, when i took less than a shot sized cup worth of perfect water i found the recovery in my muscles the day after my leg workout were incredible! my legs were killing me until i drank just that little bit of perfect water, i didn't even notice them til i realized they were not sore at all! debunk that!
All water is perfect and this water is no different than any other water. However when it comes to the special claims of this water containing oxygen, there is no such thing as water that can hold more oxygen than temperature and pressure allows. Even if it did hold vastly higher amounts of oxygen it would make no difference to you for several reasons: for one, oxygen exchange takes place in your lungs, not GI tract. And two, unless you have some pulmonary or cardiovascular condition, your blood can not take up more oxygen than temperature and pressure will normally allow (the same reason why oxygen can't do it in water). And again, even if you could somehow supersaturate your blood with oxygen by increasing pressure and decreasing temperature, the oxygen would eventually come out of solution in the form of air bubbles which could kill you in sufficient quantities. Water can not be microstructured into a trimolecule by any physical means as they claim (although water can transiently exist as H30-, and is known as hydronium, a weak acid). And the "special ionization process" they use to alkalinize the water is probably no more than adding a tad bit of baking soda.
So for anyone who claims this has special properties over other bottled water (or even tap water), I'm sorry to say it just ain't so.
Thanks for your comment Christopher. Yes, Amway isn't the only fakirs promoting a super water. Theses cons are nearly as old as man.
What exactly do you have against Amway? Give me your top 5 reasons, one of which can't start with "well my friend...".
Thanks for visiting. You ask for five things. Hmmm?
1. Amway Operates a 'closed market' swindle that preys on their very own. (Can you say "pernicious cult?")
2. Tool Scam. Yes, the secondary pyramid scheme, where all adherents to the cult buy a plethora of incredibly stupid 'how to screw your family, friends and co-workers' all while they are fleeced by both the tool kingpins and ol' Rich DeVos and his Ada Michigan Crime Family.
3. Nutrilite. The original pyramid scam that DeVoss and Van Andel acquired when the Federal authorities effectively shut down Mytinger and Casselberry for of all things: Running a Pyramid Scheme! The vitamins, nothing more than 'soups' compressed into capsules and priced as to be extortionate are pushed--not so much on potential retail customers--but onto the IBO cult adherents.
4. Kingpins. Amway is organized and operated exactly like the mafia. These Kingpins head up a downline gang which control a secondary closed market swindle, the tool scam, basically fleecing the flock of recruits, who instead of prospering in the Amway business, lose all their investments of time and money.
5. Amway apologists. Generally, these erstwhile people, promote Amway as an incredible business opportunity, although the actual history tells a horror story--a financial holocaust--for the people foolish enough to believe all the Amway lies. Knowing the truth and promoting the scheme/scam makes these people guilty of intent to defraud others.
Everything the above poster said is TRUE! When I met my fiance, he was an Amway "cult" follower. Was completely hypnotized. Had been doing it for three years. I had to seriously sit down with him (after traveling to a few open meetings and a conference with him) and have a talk. He was $3000 in credit card debt with no savings. Why? The "tools" (books, cds, etc.), the pricey conferences, hotels, gas to get there, open meeting costs, PLUS buying MORE product than what he needed so his uplines could achieve certain thresholds! They convinced him to do it for the "good of the team". Not to mention, Amway products ARE MORE EXPENSIVE than comparable products. I am a financial analyst, I'm not an idiot. And I know this is a stupid investment. After my fiance got away, at least once a week he wonders how he would've been so stupid and gullible to fall for it. He kicks himself everyday for getting into so much debt because of Amway.
Katie W...
Thanks for your comment. I notice that most of the people joining the Amway Cult and subsequently get fleeced choose to suffer in quiet. "How could I have been so foolish to join?" isn't exactly something you want to share with the rest of the world. It's like shouting that I got suckered. Amway teaches its many losers to blame themselves for not working hard enough and other excuses.
Oh I feel so sorry for you and your lies. I know the shores and no thing has happened. You unfortunately will be a statistic when if using your energy to be positive instead of finding negstive in the world could have changed others lives for the better. Instead of course you choose to waste your time sitting on your computer in the dark sad and alone but that's ok. You are just one of the people we future diamonds have the experience negativity from to make us that much stronger in the future. I'll pray for you negative Nancy.
Your blog and your opinions are yours to keep but I think I need to educate you on some aspects of Amway. First off, a scam is a "fradulent scheme" or a "swindlle" to make quick money. To call perfect water a "scam" is absurd. You compare perfect water with other waters that are cheaper. Fiji water costs exactly 1.75 cent to buy. Perfect=2.00. Is Fiji water a "scam"? No. It just means they market it in a different way. Before I joined Amway, I was just like you. A skeptic. My upline gives me to "tools" for free. He loans all the cd's and books for free. He gives me free tickets to the conventions. why? Because I can learn from them. Nutrilite, no matter what you say, has nutrition fact on the back. They can be made from "soup", poop, water, shoes but at the end of the day, the nutrition facts tell it all. I agree that the marketing TECHNIQUE of amway can sometimes go overboard with the tip test but Amway is just another company. Remember that Amway is a business and that if you JOiN, you are risking failure. I admit that not everyone make it alive. I made a little over fifty dollars during my first three weeks. Not something to brag about but it's something. I advise you to really DIVE into Amway. The only way Amway can go in debt is if we run out of people. Amway pride itself into making franchises. Human franchises. At the end of the day, some people succeed, some people don't. You are investing in a business and with investment comes risk..
It is the great number of people who first have high enthusiasm for Amway but who in the end lose; they provide the Amway kingpins and the DeVos/VanAndel cult initiators their 'extracted' wealth.
You can believe all the rubbish this cult says about itself, but that is very unwise.
Wow. You're really negative about a business that's been thriving, even in bad times, since 1959. Many people have had their lives change for the better thanks to using Amway as their revenue source. As for Shores, he is currently sinking hundreds of thousands of his own money into paying tariff charges so that the good people of Jamaica don't have to. These Jamaicans are seeing that they can own their own successful businesses for the very first time in their lives. And here you are spouting off about things you know nothing about. I've been drinking Perfect Water for a few months and yes, I've noticed a healthy change in me. I'm guessing you tried Amway and were lazy and didn't succeed? Or were you too lazy to even try?
Although I disagree with their marketing technics or them wanting you to buy every single cd/book; I can't deny that they are a very successful company with high quality products. I am a distributor of amway products. I mean I have made my money back and then some just with the savings on my cellphone bill (20% off just for being an IBO). We have over 80 partner stores... Would Apple, Best Buy, Kmart, Zales, Home Depot and others partner up with a SCAM?? I don't think so. I mean one of the owners of Amway was or still is a member of the Chamber of Commerce; and his company is a scam?? They own the Orlando Magic and Peter's Island in the carribean; they are a scam? Come on everyone. I mean this company owns Nutrilite which started the very first bio degradable product in the U.S. (laundry detergant). They were going green before going green was popular! Plzz; yes it's a cut throat business/yes the odds are stacked against you/ but do some people make it? Yes. Are the products of good quality? Yes. Are they legit? Yes.
I mean; if Amway is a scam then so is College (no guarantee you will make it, get stuck with debt, even if you do make it, no guarantee you will get a job). Pyramids??? So regular jobs aren't pyramids? Lets look at Target, Walmart, and Rite Aid to name a few. There's a Ceo or group of leaders at the very top, there's vice presidents, then regional bosses, store managers, assist managers, and employees all the way at the bottom... Well look at that; I guess just about every business is a scam!!! Schools systems have super intendents, assist Super, Principals, supervisors, teachers, subs, etc.. Ohh another Pyramid... Wake up ppl; There is a pyramid in just about every business/association. Doesn't mean its a scam...
Jayson, sounds like you are trying to convince yourself. As my friend David Brear might say: You are lost in the Amway Labyrinth. I've heard all this before. Have you read my most current post: The Big Lie?
Thanks for commenting.
- I would like to bluntly ask you, have you been an IBO in Amway? Ever?
- Have you tried ANY of the products?
- What do you do as an occupation?
And seriously, answer those. Don't answer me with a question or some other way or another. If you are any kind of adult you will answer those truthfully.
I detect a wee bit of hostility in the tone of your comments. Anyway, I do not moderate comments on this blog.
To answer your questions. No, I've never been an Amway IBO, although my ex wife was. Yes, I've tried many of the more well known of the Amway products. I do not find anything exceptional about any of them. I did find their price to be extortionately expensive. I am an electronics technician.
I do not recall ever using the F-Bomb against anyone. Bullshit aside.
What's your point? Are you an Amway IBO? Do you use the Amway products? And what do you do to support your Amway business?
I don't mind you being angered at me if it was something I said that made you feel this way. All the better for you in the end.
I joined Amway about 5 months ago. They never pressured me into buying anything. Yes I have tried the Perfect Water, pretty good if you ask me. I'm not making 10K a month or even half that but what I am doing is trying something different to see if it works for me. About $200 a month to start my own business and they give you I believe 90 days to try it, if you don't like it you get your $$$ back. I don't know any businesses or banks for that matter that will lend you $200 to try anything and if it does not work out give you your money back.
Hey if you tried it and it didn't work for you, then so be it. Hey Bill Gates tried college and it didn't work for him yet he become the worlds richest man. So are you going to tell people now that they should drop out of college and start their own computer firm....NAH, I don't think so. Take Kobe Bryant do you think he has to go to practice each day.....ummm yeah or else coach may not let him play in the game. I myself played ball in college but was not good enough to go pro, is NBA a cult just because it was not for me or perhaps I just was not good enough. May I ask what do you do now work wise? You have to go to meeting, stay motivated and be around like minded people. I'm not saying Amway is going to solve world hunger but it's an alternative to what's out there. Yeah their products cost a little more than company A, B or C but you pay the price for premium stuff. A Mercedes or Lexus does the same thing a Camry or Honda Accord does but it cost twice or three times as much, why because of the premium components. Whom ever started the blog if it didn't work for you why are you bashing it so. Did you ever try ANYTHING else and it not work for you, did you bash it also, just asking because yes you are entitled to your opinion just as everyone who has commented on this blog. I'm not here to get into a pissing match, that obviously is impossible to win here. Did you up-line help you? How long did you try Amway? Did you try it in under the time frame and got a refund of your money. And again I'm not bashing you, you are entitled to your opinion just as everyone one here is but can you answer those questions proposed.
peace maker...
I've got no hard feelings. I've been witness to the inner workings of Amway. I've seen and tried some of the products because they were pushed at me. You spoke of quality. I did not see it. It was obvious to me that none of it was ever to be resold. I've seen how people can be bilked out of thousands of dollars worth purchasing at a premium dollar for a shit load of mundane Amway crap; most of that to be written off.
My advise. Get out
I've never been an Amway IBO. No secret. My wife was though. It was through her and her daughter and son-in-law who fell through the entrance of the Amway labyrinth.
Anyway, if Amway is the way for you, I doubt I could convince you that it may not be all that? Later on come back and let's hear your experiences. Describe your success. At least be truthful. There is always more to be learned about your cult.
Hi quixtarisacult. Well so far I have only went to one annual meeting which was $99. It was local so I did not have to spend money for hotel. I, like you say, truthfully, have not tried a lot of products except the water, laundry detergent and amway glass cleaner. To me they all seem to be good. I wouldn't try any of those tests I've seen done where people are leaning on one another but I've given the water and laundry detergent to some family/friends and they seemed to like it also over what ever brand they were drinking/using. I'm not a BIG fan of taking any vitamins so I can't say they work or do not plus even if I did I'm no doctor. So far I've spent approx. $200 for registration:website and all and one seminar @$99. I got my first check two/three months after joining which was $75 and another the following month for $50. So a grand total of $125. Not a huge amount but enough to line my pockets with some spending change. The other products I bought from Amway I would have purchased anyway from Wal-Mart or Target, like Windex or Tide. Like you I was skeptical at first having tried something similar in college which was a...well lets just say bad idea. Still paying that $#^% off. But a former co-worker of mine got me into Amway and I not only knew him before we all hung out together on weekends and what not. He got started in the early 2000's and here it is 10+ years later and he's still doing it, that's when he approached me about it. Now agreed 10 years is a long time anything could have happened, he could have hit the lotto, rich uncle died left him some $$$$ or what ever. But like I said earlier I know this man and his wife. Is your family still doing it, despite it not working for you? Anyway after 10 years of doing Amway he said it was something that just worked for him. Now I didn't ask him the dollar amount he just told me which I was surprised. He was making $520 a month from Amway. Again nothing to write home to momma about but it did peak my interest so I joined. May I ask what is it you do now, professionally? If you do not want to answer I am perfectly fine with that. Are there any other MLM or non-traditional business that you have tried that have worked for you?
Wow. A lot of Amway apologist here. First time I am viewing your blog, and there are some interesting facts that you have posted. I have built Amway for 8 years, to a successful level (platinum) with a emerald foundation. I think I can fairly say I know quite a bit about Amway. Enough to learn in 8 years that it is indeed a cult/scam whatever you want to call it. Yes you can make money in this, tons of it. But you really need to be greedy, a liar, and a cheater to be successful. I built it solid with integrity, only to find out how much of a sham this is. No I am not a failure in Amway, I chose to quit taking any income (which was good income) from Amway because of their foolish tactics. Any one who is curious, I was in BWW, in chicago, in the LOS of the biggest indian scum
I am not sure why someone as successful as you claim to be would just leave? It shouldn't be surprising though. There is a long history of high pin level people who quit Amway. I agree that any success in the scam is accompanied by blatant lying.
Facts point to the fact that nearly all who join Amway lose rather than win. I remain skeptical about claims of success.
Oh, a lot of my uplines who were certainly doing better than me quit or faded away. I left because of what I learned about their tactics. Cannot associate myself with constant liars. When I say successful, it is in Amway/bww world. By no means it translates to a lot of money. Even with the high pin and a good amount of people in downline, in 8 years after calculating everything, I marginally made a profit. That is only when I include the onetime platinum check
I truly appreciate your comments. I sense a degree of honesty that is very seldom communicated. I've always wondered why those who become disaffected by Amway are not more willing to honestly speak out and describe their negative experiences.
Dishonest prosperity claims by upline pins is heart and soul of how Amway operates to keep the downline struggling against loss to remain viable in the 'game'of greed. You are not alone in this regard. Most people feel they are too deep to get out. You represent that after 8 years, you just marginally made a profit.
Over the years I've been blogging, I've told many aspiring Amway believers to return after 5 years and describe their success stories. So far, none have taken me up on this. I wonder why?
Eric Scheibler, more or less described his 'success' in Amway as anything but successful. Amway has derided him as a liar and a fraud. Attacks on his character approach the stigma that Scientology inflicts on their disaffected.
I know that there are many more people like yourself out there who fear to speak out against the Amway cult. I'm sure you have information that might help others discover the truth.
Feel free to email me at if you would like to talk privately about Amway. Of course, your comments are always welcome as well.
I came across this blog by accident after a Google search for a specific product. The "Amway Scam" theme caught my eye. Here is my story:
When I was in college one of my friends was enthusiastically and persistently (oh so persistently) trying to convince as many of our group to come to some type of meeting to unveil some mystery business opportunity. Details were impossible to obtain. His evasiveness was quantifiable. Well, I went to the meeting and it didn't take me more than 10 minutes into the slick, well-rehearsed, and psychologically manipulative presentation, to realize that it was a pitch for a pyramid scheme plain and simple. You all have outlined many of the details of this unethical practice, so I won't get into specifics, but bottom line, here is what I walked away with:
The only way my poor disillusioned, gullible, and greedy friend was ever going to make any money was the same way his "upstream" made money....namely by selling the introductory package of crap they called a "start-up kit" to as many of his friends and family as possible. Other than that he had to go out trying to sell a lot of decent quality but overpriced products at every kitchen table in America.
I am sure their product line has expanded and their tactics have evolved, but at it's core, Amway is nothing more than a pyramid scheme. They make money by grabbing a percentage of the money that your minions bring in (of course giving a percentage of whatever you make to your upstream) and your minions need to find their own sub-minions to continue the process and expand the base of the pyramid so you can become their upstream. From there your focus must be finding more minions because you'll never make enough money sitting at kitchen tables selling from a catalog. That is not a business. That is almost a cult.
Can you make some money? I'd say yes, but you have to work your butt off selling household products from one soon-to-be ex-friend to another. At this stage of the game, there is not too much room at the bottom of the pyramid before the numbers become mathematically impossible to be sustained. That is why pyramid schemes are illegal. All Amway has done is successfully navigate the legal restrictions to walk the razors edge between legal and illegal. They must pay their attorneys very well.
A few people keep commenting about Amway being worth a kazillion dollars with no debt and they assert that fact as if it proves they are a legitimate business opportunity. It is easy to have no debt when you are nothing but a balance sheet that tracks money coming into your coffers from those gullible enough to keep coming back for more kool-aid and you just keep floating numbers into different accounting buckets until one day the pyramid eventually collapses (which it will) and then you run for bankruptcy protection. It's a business for sure...but a business opportunity? I think not.
For the handful of top level people, it has certainly been an awesome business opportunity. For the working man looking for an opportunity to become a business owner to provide for themselves and their families, it is likely most often nothing but smoke and mirrors that will lead you to broken dreams. The statistic of how many people signed up, never even recovered their initial costs, and then just atrophied must be staggering.
Wow. Thinking back 7 years ago how I was a new recruit of Amway, I was the same enthusiastic, energetic and ambitious person as these Amway followers are. I was hungry to make my dreams come true and would do anything to get to it. One problem, I was being brainwashed before I even started noticing it. I was in this biz for 2.5 years and I worked my butt off. Yea I got some extra cash on the side. Sweet right? No, extra cash was all it was. If you actually do some SCIENTIFIC research and some common sense, you'd know this Perfect water is pure bull. One, science or our bodies don't work like that. On a molecular level, our cells and bodies absorbed nutrients and oxygen at certain pace or certain amount of time NOT instaneously! If this the Perfect water did work, it would at least take a few moments or even minutes for it to be absorbed by our body. But in these tipping tests, after drinking the water, it works in seconds!!! Can you be that gullible?! Of coarse! It fooled me because they have already brainwashed you the instant you agreed to go to their "meetings". They also have you within your grasp when they take advantage of your dreams and use it to get you sucked in! Also, what pisses me off and I just found out today is the stuff they say to motivate you and get you on a positive attitude isn't wrong, what they're saying is actually true BUT, THE Way they use it is wrong. I remember going to Tony Robbins seminar this past October in LA and he gave the same exact speech and stories I heard 7 yes ago from these so called self made millionaire diamonds. And I'm thinking to myself as I listened to Tony... Gee Tony has been selling his products and preaching his philosophies and techniques for a long time but these self made amway millionaires are using the same exact lines as Tony Robbins as if it's their own story. What garbage! Not only do they steal other people's lines but they use it to lure you in.
Anyways, all I'm saying is, you'll try to believe what these guys are saying is true bc they say oh, an athlete uses the product (so do other celebrities promoting crappy products) or saying that the company is worth 8.5 billion debt free (well I wonder why, it's bc people like you give your money to them willingly - they rake advantage of your hopes and dreams) Don't believe me, reread everything you said and I bet years from now you'll look back at it say to yourself how stupid you were to believe the Bullshit. My advice is... Run away and look for something more meaningful in your life. Stop wasting your precious breath, money, and other me with these scam artists. You'll do better doing something you love. And btw, $2 per bottle of Perfect water? You kidding me?! Even I when I used to sell that gimmicks shit, I always knew that it was overpriced. Again, do your research. The last time I learned about chemistry H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide. You're just drinking water! You can get very clean water that's been filtered Triple times at your local Starbucks... And ITS FREEEEEEEEEE!!!!! it's one if the best tasting water I ever had. Also, for athletes stating it helps you, riiiiiiiight. I dare you to drink that perfect water one day (especially track runners) and then just drink regular water one day and see if there was any difference. I guarantee there wasn't bc I can assure you, you wouldn't lose on purpose just bc you didn't drink your Perfect water. Trust me it's all gimmicks.
Silas, you are amazing. I am relatively new to this business as well and it is working well for me and my wife already. We have made our money back from investment, use 15 of the exclusive products here at home on a regular basis, the business has paid for it all already, plus it paid for a trip to the north Carolina conference we went to, and paid for the baby sitter for all three kids. If you want leadership training and how to treat people well, this place is great for positive people to help mentor and show you how to do that. You make money along the way. Think of it as helping people and you will. Stop looking at people like money guys.
Perfect Water is no longer available.
My parents have been in anway for over60 years. Top quality products. I also joined. We have been to the nutrilite fields and factory. These things are not true, that u are saying. In tell people over the years that took nutrilite!
I’m not sure about the vitamins that Nutrilite sells, but I can guarantee you that OneADay vitamins do not work. They go through my system, and I never get any nutrients from them. As far as tap water is concerned, eww gross is all I can say. My stomach sours so fast. Perfect Water actually tastes clean, and when I drink it I feel more hydrated than any other brand that I’ve had. I can say I wanted to try their supplements on the basis of merit, alone, and not based on what someone says. You can badmouth the company all you want, but because of their “reputation” you’re going to damn the whole company and it’s products? The company is more than just a business-making adventure. It sells products, too. What about Mary Kay or Avon? They do similar things as Amway does. Are you going to write a blog condoning one company when you didn’t even touch on the other companies doing the same exact thing as Amway? I can’t speak for their business ethics, but why just single out one company?
Its ok to say that couldn't sell perfect water. But did you try selling atmosphere?
Actually its alive n well
Actually perfect water made me a better hooper.
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